Epcot, looking at Future World from the World Showcase, on our last trip

Given all of the shut-downs due to Novel Coronavirus, it's certainly no surprise that all of the Disney-related theme parks (as well as non-Disney attractions as well) have completely closed. I was reading the other day about the financial impact that it has on the Disney company specifically (estimates are between $20 million and $30 million lost every day that the parks are closed). /Film has an interesting post up about the impact:

Understandably, among the things taking a pause are construction projects. Walt Disney World, ever-expanding in its 43 square miles of space, has plenty of projects in the pipeline, but they’re taking a break for now. What kind of projects are affected? Well, everything from the TRON Lightcycle attraction to the Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser hotel was in some form of construction. Those projects’ original arrival dates are now pushed back to who knows when.


Of course, who knows when the parks will be open again. California is essentially shut down for the next four weeks, and Governor Gavin Newsom has said he can imagine that shut down being doubled. In fraught times such as these, it’s especially frustrating that we can’t have escapism such as the theme parks to forget our troubles. For now, do what I’m doing: watch YouTube videos of theme-park rides, shows, and more. Listen to Disney theme-park background music. And most importantly: whoever you are, wherever you are, stay safe and healthy.

My emphasis.

On our last trip the Wife and I spent a great deal of time at Galaxy's Edge in Disney's Hollywood Studios (more about that trip here). While we greatly enjoyed the experience (and were fortunate to fit it in just before the whole planet shut down), I'm not sure that I'm ready to splurge for the Galactic Starcruiser hotel. I am disappointed that the TRON Lightcycle will be pushed back. I also imagine that the Guardians of the Galaxy feature at Epcot will also be delayed.

But back to that emphasized text in the quote. Being the Disney parks dork that I am (and that my wife is as well, for the record), I have already bookmarked several YouTube playlists to give me a Disney fix when I need it.

If you want the soundtrack that is the in-room information channel you can check out this link, or subscribe to ResortTV1 on YouTube. They post lots of a great park-related content.

Grand Avenue has - in my humble opinion - the best soundtrack in ALL of the parks. This is what I refer to as the "backlot" area at Disney's Hollywood Studios (from ABC Commissary toward Muppetvision 3D, just before you enter Galaxy's Edge). It has a funky/jazzy inspiration and includes The Meters, Lettuce, and the New Mastersounds, to name a few. You can check that out here, and also peep the Magical Soundtracks channel for other great soundtrack loops.

So, for those of us that need a quick fix of that good Disney stuff, there are a couple of resources for you regardless of how long the parks are closed.

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