In case you hadn't yet heard, there's this little movie called Captain Marvel that's raking in all of the cash all over the world. If you missed it, here's my take on the film.

Kevin Feige, the head of Marvel Studios, says that the Captain will be heading up the next phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe:

One of the highlights of my career at Marvel was introducing her at Comic-Con and having her come out on stage and stand there with literally almost everybody else from our movies. There she was at the forefront, and it was a great foreshadowing – not just for how audiences are going to embrace Brie as this character, but also for how Captain Marvel is about to take the lead and be at the forefront of the entire Cinematic Universe.

So what does this mean for the future of Marvel movies?

My thought of late is that the next phase of the MCU will start a "New Avengers" story arc. I could absolutely see Captain Marvel being written into a leadership role for this group. Additionally, with Disney's acquisition of the Fox Marvel properties (X-Men, Wolverine, Fantastic Four, etc.), finally seeing Avengers and X-Men on the same screen could be a distinct possibility (and awesome as well!).

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