For another six months, at least.

Yeah. That's the face of a guy who got to leave the dermatologist's office this morning with all of his skin. And is also thrilled to be wearing a hospital gown.

For those who are new to following along, a little over two years ago I was at my annual skin-check-up with my (awesome) dermatologist. She found a spot on my left arm that "concerned" her. So we did this:


She removed a quarter-sized piece of my skin that contained what she described as an "unusual" mole. After the results came back from the lab we found that it was indeed a melanoma. I had stage 0 skin cancer (side-note: I didn't know that here was a stage zero). Subsequent check-ups found that she had successfully removed everything. Now I go get my skin checked every six months.

All of this to say one thing: wear sunscreen. And a hat. I was lucky to have my doc catch this stuff very early before it turned really nasty.

Oh, and f**k cancer.

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