Where do we go from here, guys?
I love this stuff.

With Captain Marvel coming out in a couple of weeks, and Avengers: Endgame soon following in April, there is a lot of buzz about the direction that the Marvel Cinematic Universe will take in the coming years. Via ComicBook.com, Marvel chief Kevin Feige is being pretty tight-lipped about post-Endgame plans:

"As we've been doing for years, we aren't going to announce anything post Avengers: Endgame or Spider-Man [Far From Home] until post Endgame and Spider-Man," Feige told ComicBook.com at a press event for Captain Marvel. "As you know as a fan, there's a tremendous amount of potential and a tremendous amount of additional characters and storylines and groups of characters that we're going to keep playing with. And again, that's a testament to Marvel and to the amount of storylines and characters and amazing, amazing runs that have been in the Marvel comics."

As the catalog of Marvel characters which Feige can pull from is about to get a lot deeper with the Fox-owned X-Men characters heading over to Marvel Studios, the possibility of more than three movies per year becomes greater. "We've always said there are no mandates to make any more than two films a year," Feige explained. "But, as we've seen the last couple years, when it naturally happens, and when there are ideas and when there are teams ready to go, we're not going to hold something back."

As for whether fans should expect standalone films, team-ups, or all-out ensembles: "All of the above," Feige promises, holding back the deeper details of the landscape.

Like I said, I love this stuff.

There is an enormous slate of characters and storylines that Marvel can pull from, effectively giving them decades of material with which they can create movies. And when you throw in the Fox-owned properties (X-Men, Wolverine, Deadpool, the Fantastic Four, Alpha Flight, The Phoenix Force, and many, many more) the possibilities seem to be endless. It seems that me and my kids will be watching movies based on comic books that I read as a teenager for a long time.

I remember the early days of X-Men movies where I would have to wait two or three years between movies being released, and how impatient I would get. "I wanna know what happens next!" But if Feige and Marvel start doing three (or more!) films per year, and the films all have intertwining plots, Yours Truly will need to get a second job to pay for all of the movie tickets.

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