I was combing through some admissions-related articles and remembered hearing about this one. All I can say is wow:

According to a summary of her claims in the judge's ruling, the admissions officer asked Katchur about her race, and when she answered that she was white, the admissions officer asked "if plaintiff was sure and suggested that plaintiff obtain an expensive genetic test to see if she could qualify as Native American or American Indian to garner better chances of being accepted to Jefferson." The admissions officer also told Katchur, she said, "that she advised a past Caucasian applicant to obtain a genetic test, that the applicant learned that he was partially African American, and that he was accepted into Jefferson on account of his race." Black applicants have a better chance of admission, Katchur said she was told.

There are many things wrong with the situation - but chief among them is the fact that the admissions officer asked about the race of the prospective student. Then recommended taking a test to see if there were any traces of diversity in her background. Regardless of your opinion of affirmative action and consideration of race in admissions, these actions by the admissions officer are beyond what is appropriate.