This group text between Melissa, Fiona and I perfectly illustrates why I love my wife.

She helps to even me out.
She smoothes out my rough edges.
She bring balance to The Force that is my life.

This text was from this afternoon when my daughter wasn't feeling well and didn't want to take care of Molly. I (being the consummate skeptic) respond in the most 'me' way possible: "tough". Girl, you need to take care of the dog.

Melissa, on the other hand, is concerned and wants to know what is happening that Fiona doesn't feel well.

Why is she so great? Melissa is more caring and empathetic than I could ever dream to be. She balances out my cynicism with her compassion, and reminds me that sometimes the world is a bit different than I perceive it to be. She helps me to recognize that occasionally I need to give people (read: my daughter) some grace. For helping to provide that balance, I am eternally thankful.

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone - but especially my "lobster" Melissa.

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