This is not a test. This is a re-boot.

This project started as a simple Tumblr blog in 2010 but hasn't had much of an update or a refresh in a long time. Since my work-life balance has started to have, well, some balance, I wanted to get back into some regular writing and commentary. So here we are.

In early 2019 I started to write a bit more frequently, and now we have a fresh new look and layout, and a sweet, sweet new logo as well!

(I started using Adobe Spark for some creative content stuff - and in the process created something of a new look for my style. Apparently, branding is fun!)

I spent a couple of days importing all of the old posts from the Tumblr blog (sans the Instagram cross-posts - you can get that info in the sidebar to the right, as well as all of the posts from an even older site that I created in the mid-2000s to keep family and friends updated) into one place. Now you've got over 250 posts that you can sift through when you're really bored. Go ahead, I'll wait.


Okay, all done? Good.

Though the moniker is "Admissions Dude" - and your humble host is indeed that - topics covered here will continue to be wide-ranging. Certainly you'll see some higher education and admissions-related stuff, but I'll also continue to delve into personal things as well. Family, friends, life, exercise, movies, music... and who knows what else?

Who knows? Maybe I'll tire of this thing again if/when life gets busy again, and then this will once again become a shell of an idea. But maybe not? Stay tuned to find out.

If you want to subscribe, you can hit the RSS. Or my Twitter feed will accomplish the same thing. Thanks for stopping by!

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