It's true. Comic Sans font gets me triggered, even though it has just celebrated a birthday:

If you think Comic Sans looks immature, child-like something a teacher would use, well, that's sort of the point. Back in 1994, Vincent Connare was working at Microsoft. And he was working on software that would teach people how to use a computer through cartoon characters who spoke in speech bubbles, including a yellow dog named Rover.

Okay, okay. So I didn't know the history of the font. So I have a little less of a distaste now.

But maybe the root cause of my disdain for Comic Sans stems not from the typeface itself, but rather the (in my opinion) improper usage of it. When reading a professional communication (email, memo, etc.) I have an expectation that the sender uses proper grammar and punctuation. Forgive me for sounding a bit fuddy-duddy, but with the advent of texting and the language that was invented to make texting more convenient (e.g. TTYL, LOL, etc.), people have become less professional in their communication.

So, when you couple that unprofessional communication with a font that looks like something that my middle schooler would put in a PowerPoint presentation, I lose my mind.

And geez, don't even get me started on Papyrus...
