credit: Marvel

So, this is going to be one of those posts where I talk about being thankful. If you've had enough of that today, then I'll understand if you move along.

I woke up this morning and as I laid there in bed, trying to decide if I should roll over and go back to sleep, I realized that it was Thanksgiving morning. Now, you have to understand that there is little that I cherish more than the "weekend feel" of being able to go back to sleep. But, as I sat there looking at the ceiling, I thought about the year that has been.

Later on in the morning, once I had a couple of cups of coffee in me and the kids were both up, we were sitting at our kitchen table and discussing the things for which we are thankful. As The Girl was listing her items, it occurred to me that our family has done a LOT of cool stuff this year (e.g. our trip to NYC two weekends ago).

I'm not going to be so pretentious as to list all of the things for which I'm thankful. Because, there's a lot on that list. What I will say is I'm most grateful to be surrounded by love. Whether I'm at home, or whether I'm at work, I feel like the thing that always picks me up when I'm down is the realization that I am continually in the presence of awesome people. I absolutely recognize that not everyone can say that, and I appreciate the fact that there aren't too many a-holes in my day-to-day life.

So, here's to hoping that you don't have too many a-holes in your life, and that you don't have to deal with any of them today. Gobble, gobble!
