So, I got the chance to play for a bit last night and, while I hate the fact that I don't know where I'm going on the new island, the gameplay is MUCH improved. The screenshot above is a couple of minutes before I took a 3rd place with 8 eliminations (for reference, I average two or three per game). After that game I took a silver medal in a match where I had seven kills.

This morning I played a "quick" game (is there such a thing?) while I was on the stationary bike at the gym. Six eliminations and a 2nd place - while maintaining 90-100 RPMs!

Check out the Chapter 2 trailer:

The screenshot that I posted above doesn't really do the new version much justice. The look and feel - while familiar - are quite different. The graphics appear to be more "clean" than in the prior seasons/chapter. The weapons in your cache look different than before, and some even act differently. And, perhaps most noticeable, the map is completely different. More locations, and a lot more space to explore.

And all of this feedback is based on my mobile experience. PC and console versions are bound to be even better.

So, what do you think? Was it worth the wait of the Black Hole?
