Just thought that I’d get a little braggadocious on you for a minute.
The folks on the social media team in our office have been gracious enough (read: taken the risk) to occasionally lend me the keys to the Undergraduate Admissions Office blog.  With a great title, “We Admit”, posts range in subject from traditional first year updates, to international student information, to information about each of Penn State’s 20 undergraduate campuses. We have even gotten some parents of current students involved.  They will be adding an interesting point-of-view to the college admissions process.
As for me, I am adding what I have dubbed the “Transfer 101” series to the mix.  These are posts that are specifically geared toward prospective transfer students and their unique concerns in the admissions and application processes.
The first and second posts are already up, and I have just added a third that is in the queue of scheduled posts.
So, hit up the above links and leave a comment if you are interested in transferring to Penn State.  Or, just because.

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