Disney just bought Lucasfilm for $4 billion.
Announcing the news, Disney also said it will release a new Star Wars movie in 2015.
The movie is currently titled Star Wars: Episode 7.
That means it will take place after Return Of The Jedi.
From a press release: “Star WarsEpisode 7 is targeted for release in 2015, with more feature films expected to continue the Star Wars saga and grow the franchise well into the future.”
Traditionalists are going to scream in horror at this news, but there is a silver lining. The new films will not be produced by George Lucas – who lost his touch a long time ago.
I’m not sure if want to scream in horror, or if I want to SCREAM IN HORROR.
Granted, the point about Lucas is spot on. But still – DISNEY?!!
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Monsters University = brilliant
This website is better than some real universities’ websites. A lot better.
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Apparently, in most cases, yes. 
I was reading this piece at The Atlantic that talks about what your (private sector) employer can and cannot say to you regarding candidates up for election. I must admit that I was a bit taken aback. 
From the article: 
Can your boss really tell you who to vote for? The answer is probably yes – depending on where you live, and assuming you’re employed in the private sector. In most of the country, there’s little restriction on such communication, legal experts say.
Basically, employers have freedom of speech. That means they can say what they want, including strongly suggesting that employees vote for candidates and sending sample ballots to them. Your boss can’t walk into the voting booth with you, and she can’t pay you to vote for a particular candidate, but often there’s little else he or she can’t do.
It seems to me that a secret ballot is just that: a secret. According to this article it appears that employers can try to scare you into voting one way or another.  That said, I think that it would be a different story if your boss to come straight out and asked you, “Whom did you vote for?”
Exit question: Can your boss ask you which way you voted?  More importantly, if they did ask you this question, how would you reply?
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A much more entertaining version of last night’s debate.  
And it’s got a great hook.
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What every prospect is muttering under their breath as they fill out an application.
Or, perhaps they are shouting it into the telephone while chatting with an admissions counselor…
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