The following is a questionairre that Holden filled out at school... the italicized words are what Holden actually told his teacher to write in the blanks. Enjoy!

My Dad
  • My dad is less than 20 years old.
  • He is a tiny bit taller than Mommy.
  • His hair is brown and his eyes are green.
  • My dad loves to relax by typing on the computer and he likes to wear sweatshirt and sweatpants.
  • He loves to cook sweet things.
  • His favorite household chore is cleaning the house.
  • My Dad's favorite color is blue.
  • His favorite TV show is Heroes.
  • His favorite song is I don't know.
  • Daddy always tells me 'It's time for lunch!'
  • It makes him happy when me and Fiona are good.
  • When my dad shops, he love to buy toys.
  • I really love it when my dad plays with me.
What can I say? The kid definitely has got my number. =)
