But that does not mean that we McBrayers have not been busy!
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Holden is now officially signed-up for kindergarten. He'll be starting at Charles Longer Elementary School in the fall. The school itself is a scant 0.07 miles from our humble abode here in the borough of Hollidaysburg. I will greatly enjoy walking him to and fro -- at least while the weather is pleasant.
We have also enrolled Holden in swimming lessons at the YMCA beginning in early March. We attempted to self-teach him how to swim when we lived in West Milton, but the pool at Bucknell was cold and deep. We are hoping to have much greater success in this newer, warmer and more shallow swimming environment.
Fiona is finally starting to show progress on the potty-training front. Prior to the wicked sickness that ran it's course through the famiy, Fiona had gone nearly a week without wearing any kind of diapers (in the daytime hours). Due to the 'explosive' nature of the stomach bug, it was necessary to regress to daytime diaper usage. This was disappointing, to say the least. However, we have seen great improvement since then. Fiona rarely has a wet Pull-up and I think that starting tomorrow, we may try to get her back into her little girl underwear -- sans diaper. YAY!
Melissa is still loving her work -- but has spent several late nights on campus this week. While she loves to be on campus and see the 'fruits of her labor', she has been tired. I think that it has become clear that we are no longer 18-year-old college kids who stay up late all of the time.
Lastly, we went to church today. I think that we have found our new church home here in Hollidaysburg -- which is extremely pleasing. One of the reasons that we never really felt 'at home' in West Milton/Lewisburg was because we never got involved in the community. Melissa had her work, and I took care of the kids, but we never really 'connected' with anything outside of our family. I think that things appear to be very different here. Both Holden and Fiona had a great time in Sunday School while Melissa and I attended the worship service. We even ran into one of Holden's friend's parents (whose family is also new to the area). Things just felt right.
I guess that's about it for now. I hope anyone who might be reading this is happy and healthy, just as we McBrayers are!